On this page we are listing several of our beaded items for your inspection
and for purchase. We are proud to certify that our items are handcrafted by Native American hands and have been researched
for authenticity. We are a traditional family and we respect and observe all native beliefs. Our items are never mass produced,
but rather are individually designed for your pleasure. We have added shopping carts through a secure site at Paypal for your
convenience. We hope you enjoy your visit to our trading post.
Green & Orange Necklace Set

This is a beautiful necklace and earring set that is a
traditional Lakota style design. The colors are green with orange trim on a light green background. The necklace is made in
a typical daisy style and is 24 inches in length. The necklace size is 1 and 1/2 inches wide and is 5 inches in length. The
matching earrings are done with the same colors as found in the necklace and are a size of 1 inch wide and are 4 inches in
Priced: $100.00 plus shipping and handling

Pastel Beaded Medicine Bag Set

This is a beaded amulet bag that is done in the
two-drop peyote stitch. The colors are pastel blue and pink, deep red, and crystal. It has a 24 inch strap with chips of crystal
adorning it. The size of the bag is 2 inches square and can be purchased with matching dangle earrings. This is a one of a
kind item and is by myself.
Price: $100.00 Plus shipping and handling charges
Orca Whale Necklace Set

This is a unique set of necklace and earrings
from a pattern that was designed by Irene Louise. This is a typical design of the Pacific Northwest Coastal Art style and
is done in red, black and white with a turquoise background. The necklace is on a 24 inch long beaded chain and has matching
earrings. This is the design featured on our front page.
Price: $100.00 Plus shipping and handling.