Lakota Style Diamonds

This is a beautiful beaded set of earrings made
traditionally with a brick stitch replacating a traditional Lakota design. This was designed by Dee Hansen in 1992. The background
is a lime green with dark green and orange in the designed pattern. These measure 1.5 inches in width and are 4.5 inches in
Price: 50.00

Double Arrowheads on Turquoise

This set is a double arrowhead in deep purple set
on a turquoise background. The design is by Veon Schunzel from 1992. The actual diamond shape is 1 inch wide and is 3 and
1/2 inches long. Traditionally done with small hexagon beads that would be a treasure to anyone who possessed them.
$50.00 Plus shipping and handling

End of the Trail Earrings

This is a beautiful earring set in a traditional Native American
design of the End of the Trail, representing the prayer of thankfulness to the Creator for a good hunt or successful journey.
These are done in a bright red on a pearlized white background. They measure 1 inch wide and they are 2 inches in length.
We offer these in several colors and can custom design these if you would prefer a specific color.
Price: $35.00 Plus
shipping and handling
