
I have been married to the same person for 25 years, and we have 5 children who were miscarried and are with the Creator and
my family that has gone before me. Since there seemed to be an empty spot in my heart, I made a special place
for my pets. They are just like having kids, except the just never get very tall and never want to borrow the car. I am
mom to five cats who reside in my home and have a special place in my heart. Their names are Binky, Zelda, Ginger, Lucky,
and little Joe. Please be patient with me, I will be adding their actual pictures here soon.
Binky, the Golden Tabby Gentleman Cat
Hi! I am Binky and I am the oldest at the great age of 10 years. I was born in Reynoldsburg, Ohio and spent my younger years
there with my older brother. I have spent all of my life trying to do ordinary cat things, but one accomplishment that I
have never succeeded in in catching birds. I live as an inside cat now, so I can only sit in my many windows and watch the
birds here. My parents and I moved here to Washington state about 3 years ago, and to be honest... I don't think that I would
want to catch any of these huge seagulls around here.

Ginger, the Tiny Golden Little Girl
Hi Everybody!!! My name is Ginger and I am the smartest and most beautiful little ginger colored golden tabby cat in the
house. I now have a little sister and a boyfriend cat, who greets me every day at my window. I like playing and scrapping
with my baby sister, Lucky.
Zelda, the Big Mouth Calico Cat
Hello world!!!! I am Zelda and this is my house and I just allow the other cats, there are two of them, to reside here with
me. I am the boss and I tell everyone what to do. If I am looking out of my window and I talk to everyone I see if I don't
know them, I yell at them and try to have some intelligent conversation with them. It is really tough having two little sisters
but they know when I mean business because I hiss and growl really good.

Lucky, the grey tabby baby
Hello!! My name is Lucky and I am the baby of the family. I was found by my cousin on the beach who gave me to my mom.
I am the toughest and fattest cat in my house. I am working on trying to find my own place in my family tree and I love to
play fetch with milk rings that my Dad throws for me. It is a little game I learned from a puppy I met at the beach. I can
play this game for hours and sometimes wear out my Dad. I may be young but I have a boyfriend cat that lives under my house
and visits me at my window. My plain sister, Ginger keeps trying to butt in to my relationship but I smack her.
Chewbacka, the newest baby!
Hi my name is Chewy, actually my Dad named me chewbacka because I chew
on everything, on my toys, on my Dad's shoes, on my tail, and especially on my brother and sisters. That is the plight
of the baby kitty syndrome.
I am just about 3 months old and I rule my house. Now my three
sisters have tried to scare me into leaving with their hissing and growling at me, but this is my house and they are getting
used to it. I like to run and play and jump and hide toys. My mom is going to put a picture of me on here as soon
as she can.

All pictures on this website is owned by Whispering Eagle
Traders and can not be reproduced without written permission of the owner